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Diese 5 Dinge musst du ber das Haus Kaufen in Graubnden Wissen Jetzt hier entdecken

Haus Kaufen GraubüNden

I thank you warmly for your friendly letter. I fully understand that it will be best for all parts concerned that Ferdi comes home, if an inner working together does not prove possible. He would surely have returned home of his own accord if it did not depress him that he had invested all his savings--500 marks of his indemnification (compensation)--in your enterprise. At that time he insisted, in spite of our opposition, on having it transferred, in the hope of being able to remain with you as a coworker. As this hope did not materialize, you will surely see to it that he gets back as much as possible of his property—won’t you?

With my whole heart I am grateful to you for all the kindness and love you have shown to my brother and also for any inward gain he received with you. Why is it that, given your loving activity, and with you and I standing on the same ground of faith: Jesus, our Savior and returning Lord, that we nevertheless do not walk the same path inwardly? Could it be that from everything related to the whole we draw completely different conclusions?


When you sent Ferdi samples of your literature, I was taken aback by finding in the Sonnenlieder side by side with songs to the Lord’s glory, also songs of a worldly character. Isn’t John 12: 24-25 and Luke 14; 26-27 valid also for young people? “Do not love the world”, and “in the world you have fear”! Whether one decides early or late for the Lord, He always wants an undivided heart. If we want to serve our dear young people, should we not help them to receive an undivided heart as quickly as possible? When it’s very clear conversions we have to do with, it’s hardly necessary to point to complete separation from the world. Then the heart so burns for its Lord that a complete turning away from the world is a ma dear young people among ourselves, with them God’s word becomes a daily nourishment. The more healthy a child of God is, the more does its soul hunger for this precious food.

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In your devotional meetings, why do you have more regard for Jakob Böhme etc. than for the word of God? Whoever does not understand the word of God is even less apt to understand Jakob Böhme, for his treatises presuppose a knowledge of God’s word. Why do you call it a community of prayer when everybody just subsides into silence and at most prays quietly for himself? If we want to let ourselves be guided by the life of the first Christian congregations, in which spiritual gifts were so abundant, we must also draw together into a community of prayer and must so pray that brothers and sisters can understand and join us in prayer (Matt. 18:19; Acts 4:24-31).

The early Christian congregations still had community of goods (though there were also sad occurrences such as that with Ananias and Sapphira) but no community of work, as far as I can perceive. Paul must have done his carpet weaving in unchristian houses, and so have at all times believers carried on their work wherever they were placed; they became employees of the state as well as of unbelieving firms and businesses. I myself am a postal employee, and my vocation has never yet disturbed my conscience, as long as the Lord gives me strength to always be faithful and conscientious. Community of goods did not continue all through the centuries; it must have ceased fairly soon; otherwise there would have been no need for benevolent taxes to be collected on behalf of indigent congregations; for there would have been the common purse to be dipped into for relief in such cases of need. Still, even if the disciples of Jesus have not kept striving throughout all centuries for brotherly community, for community of goods and of work, I yet find it very good for you to live according to these guidelines there in your settlement, seeing that you consider that the best way in which to wait for the Lord.

But what does worldwide fraternization, such as pacifists keep striving for, have to do with that? We have been placed into our German fatherland in order to be active there, and the more deeply it’s put to shame, the more ardently must we love it. There will be wars as long as Satan still remains the prince of this world, and our struggling against that amounts to striking blows at the air. When we get to work internationally, for the abolition of things not in our power, e.g. for doing away with war, we leave our biblical foundation and try to achieve something on our own.

Ein Anderer Gedruckter Sendbrief (a Second Printed Circular Letter)

Where that leads to can be recognized by the forthcoming election. Everyone that, in accordance with God’s Word seeks what is in the country’s best interests, who wants to do all he can so that God’s word can be proclaimed still more clearly and purely in the beloved fatherland, must needs vote for Hindenburg! A believing Christian who is inwardly aware that he ought to do that and yet abstains from voting or even votes for Marx, places himself on the anti-Christian side.

Doesn’t the entire democratic party stand under the influence of the Reform Jews, from whom we expect the anti-Christ, and isn’t it on good terms with Catholicism, from which the false prophet is apt to arise? When faced by the terrible confusions of this end time, I put my whole trust into the judgment of our fathers in Christ, and it’s the brothers of our fellowship movement that I recognize as such. I would do this also if I were a man. Dear Mr. Arnold, couldn’t you once talk about all this, and pray about it, with St. Dallmeyer or another brother? One gains such consolation and peace through bowing below such a judgment born of experience.


The burden of responsibility for all your other works is bound to well-nigh press you to the ground--the responsibility for the many causes you want to serve.

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How kind of you to want to once have also me there among you! Then I could also show you that I do not want to assess and judge your work uncharitably, since I am very much aware of all my own imperfection; I just want to reply to your kind letter as best I can and in the love of the Lord.

Now I still want to quickly write to Ferdi, too, and ask him to come home right away. I so look forward to my beloved brother’s arrival! It’s so hard to find another position, and I would be grateful if you could help Ferdi with that—maybe a job in a bookstore?.


Today I have to pester you once again and ask that you now actualize your cooperation with the publishing of Jean de Labadie and Tersteegen. We don’t want to undertake the publication of our books without also presenting two decisive witnesses from the very origins of Pietism. Labadie and Tersteegen are of great importance to me, and I am ready to straightway hasten to you in reply to any telegraph call. I also place myself at your disposal and will serve you as your handyman, your amanuensis. I shall be pleased to play a Franciscan beggar and just stay in your house until I have the manuscripts in my hands. Or do you think you might possibly be able to let us have those books or manuscripts even without such an importunate visit? We would be ever so thankful to you, just as it already made us very happy that your ex -Jesuit-Bethel-pupil Alphons came along and brought us your friendly assurance that our plan would soon become reality.

Index Of /gmsources/newspapers/gemeindeblatt Der Mennoniten/1871 1900/1887

You must forgive me for today once again pestering you with our ”books of life” project; however, for the purpose of bringing out the first ten volumes it s of decisive importance that your two contributions: “Simeon, the new theologian” and “Women of German mysticism” do get into print. We presently enjoy reading together the wonderful booklet by Mechthild of Magdeburg, and we plead with you, Anne-Marie, to please comply with our request just as soon as possible, so that we can quite soon have the manuscript of your selection (of German woman mystics) in our hands. Please send us your written consent and let us know by what date you expect to have the manuscript ready.

We have similarly been reading together something by Simeon and have once again been strongly impressed by his book. Years ago already I once quoted a passage by him in a lecture and sensed that the listeners were strongly impressed.. So, please, Friedrich Heiler, do accede to our urgent request and let us have your work real soon. At what date might we possibly reckon with it?


Already now we urgently invite the two of you to our Whitsun conference in Sannerz. Anne-Marie, so many times I do still

Deutsch Wortschatz Crossword

How kind of you to want to once have also me there among you! Then I could also show you that I do not want to assess and judge your work uncharitably, since I am very much aware of all my own imperfection; I just want to reply to your kind letter as best I can and in the love of the Lord.

Now I still want to quickly write to Ferdi, too, and ask him to come home right away. I so look forward to my beloved brother’s arrival! It’s so hard to find another position, and I would be grateful if you could help Ferdi with that—maybe a job in a bookstore?.


Today I have to pester you once again and ask that you now actualize your cooperation with the publishing of Jean de Labadie and Tersteegen. We don’t want to undertake the publication of our books without also presenting two decisive witnesses from the very origins of Pietism. Labadie and Tersteegen are of great importance to me, and I am ready to straightway hasten to you in reply to any telegraph call. I also place myself at your disposal and will serve you as your handyman, your amanuensis. I shall be pleased to play a Franciscan beggar and just stay in your house until I have the manuscripts in my hands. Or do you think you might possibly be able to let us have those books or manuscripts even without such an importunate visit? We would be ever so thankful to you, just as it already made us very happy that your ex -Jesuit-Bethel-pupil Alphons came along and brought us your friendly assurance that our plan would soon become reality.

Index Of /gmsources/newspapers/gemeindeblatt Der Mennoniten/1871 1900/1887

You must forgive me for today once again pestering you with our ”books of life” project; however, for the purpose of bringing out the first ten volumes it s of decisive importance that your two contributions: “Simeon, the new theologian” and “Women of German mysticism” do get into print. We presently enjoy reading together the wonderful booklet by Mechthild of Magdeburg, and we plead with you, Anne-Marie, to please comply with our request just as soon as possible, so that we can quite soon have the manuscript of your selection (of German woman mystics) in our hands. Please send us your written consent and let us know by what date you expect to have the manuscript ready.

We have similarly been reading together something by Simeon and have once again been strongly impressed by his book. Years ago already I once quoted a passage by him in a lecture and sensed that the listeners were strongly impressed.. So, please, Friedrich Heiler, do accede to our urgent request and let us have your work real soon. At what date might we possibly reckon with it?


Already now we urgently invite the two of you to our Whitsun conference in Sannerz. Anne-Marie, so many times I do still

Deutsch Wortschatz Crossword

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